This website is provided by Gelman Law LLC as a service to its clients, potential clients, interested persons, and others in the general public. This website contains information of a general nature. The information provided here is not intended to be legal advice and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Gelman Law LLC or any of its members, managers, attorneys, employees, or clients. While the information in this website is updated periodically, additional facts or future developments may affect subjects discussed here and no guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete, reliable, or up-to-date. You should retain the services of a licensed Colorado attorney before acting or relying upon any information contained in this web site.
Electronic mail and immediate electronic contact forms are provided as a convenience in communicating with the legal professionals at Gelman Law LLC. Contact by e-mail, fax, telephone, and/or the “Contact Now” website module does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you contact Gelman Law LLC by e-mail or electronic form regarding a matter in which the firm does not already represent you, any information that is communicated might not be treated as privileged or confidential. While we use all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of all information provided. This website is not a secure website. Internet e-mail and internet communication is not secure and messages sent to the firm or any of its employees should not contain sensitive or confidential information unless the messages are adequately encrypted.
Any resources, forms, or links on this web site to other Internet web sites are provided merely as a convenience and for the courtesy for our clients and interested persons and do not imply that Gelman Law LLC is representing or guaranteeing that the information found therein is accurate or that it represents the opinions of Gelman Law LLC. Likewise, a link to another website is not an indication that Gelman Law LLC is affiliated or associated with or endorses these linked sites or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, seal, or copyrighted symbol.
Every legal issue may involve strict time periods for performance or filing. This website does not offer any specific advice as to the timeframes in which action should be taken. Every person who consults this website is strongly encouraged to immediately seek appropriate legal advice based upon the specific facts and circumstances of their legal issue.