INTERNET AND EMAIL. Represented client who was being defamed by another to members of her business association and trade group. Cease and desist letter issued. Matter resolved with retraction and express written apology letter submitted to all members of business group.
SOCIAL MEDIA DEFAMATION - FACEBOOK DEFAMATION. Represented client who's profile was being spoofed by someone using Facebook. Perpetrator used actual pictures of client, taken from client's real profile to create fake facebook page, with fake posts. Demand letter sent to Facebook providing appropriate legal basis for removal of page. Page deactivated within 72 hours.
POSTINGS ON INTERNET BLOG / BOARD REGARDING BUSINESS AND PERSON. Represented client and his company who were disparaged and defamed by former employee on internet blog. Former employee served with lawsuit and default obtained against employee.
CLAIMS MADE AT HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION MEETING. Represented business professional who was defamed during a homeowner's association meeting. Lawsuit filed. Retraction of statments provided and monetary sum paid in settlement.